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Where I share the intersection of two of my personal obsessions: art and story.
You may call the results sequential art, graphic stories or comics. I call them relentless, if sporadic. Characters and their tales often percolate within for years. They can lie quiet, satisfied, for a time, to leave me be. But inevitably they demand attention.
And now, on this page, they seek to be told. This sharing is a ritual as old as the campfire and the hearth. I believe the need for story is as fundamental as our need for food, clothing and shelter. Our stories and art define our culture. We have been combining them at least since our cave dwelling days. They make us human.
Thanks for being human with me. Come back soon.
He has lived and witnessed a thousand lives in as many worlds.
Here is story, not of himself, but of others he has known.
A story of the People of the Feast...
Have you ever wondered about the existence of the spirit? Does it ever linger? If so, when and why?
A friend to the Immortal had his own answers.
He is fondly remembered as
If you'd like a reminder, share your email and I'll send you one.
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